الذَّكاء الإستراتيجي وأثره في تعزيز الثِقَة التَّنظيمية السياحية - دراسة تطبيقية


  • أ.م.د. سمراء عبد الجبار إبراهيم
  • ديانه علي شمسي


This study contributes in indicating the role of strategic intelligence in hotel organizations that are looking for success and excellence within business environment for the purpose of penetrating the tourism market as a whole, For the purpose of drawing policies and fixed rules it must be framed by tourist organizational confidence that contribute to innovation and to achieve the goals and vision for the future to its place among competition organization. This is a brief summary of the chapters in the theoretical side, a group of general questions is raised to determine the level of study importance and private questions express voiced the study problem , and to determine the level of study variables and the selection of hypotheses, a number of statistical methods have been used in the analysis and data processing information, by relying on ready statistical programs (SBSS).

