الريادة الإستراتيجية وتأثيرها في السياحة العلاجية منطقة عين التمر -ىدراسة استطلاعية في وزارة السياحة والآثار


  • أ. م. د. مها عارف بريسم
  • أ. م. د. خالدية مصطفى عطا
  • أ. م. د. سامي احمد عباس


The study tests the relationship of the strategic entrepreneurial with its four dimensions (entrepreneurial culture, the head of the strategic Capital, investment opportunities and innovation) in medical tourism, as the problem was not enough to go by stakeholders represented for the advancement of industry of medical tourism, which requires the adoption and activation of strategic entrepreneurial requirements down to achieve excellence and innovation in its field of activities, the importance of the study lies in the development of medical tourism in order to provide tourist services therapeutic be competing neighboring and regional countries, an questionnaire form had been used as a tool for data collection was designed on the basis of the side of the theoretical, were distributed a random sample of (40) employers in the Ministry of  Tourism, and Antiquities of different levels and educational qualifications, and the main study hypothesis is represented with an existence of a relationship impact statistically significant moral for strategic entrepreneurial in medical tourism, it has been used a number of statistical methods, as it was the most important of the arithmetic mean and standard deviation analysis and the adoption of simple statistical regression space program ready (SPSS), and the results had matching study hypothesis. It was found an existence of an effect of a relationship statistically significant moral of all dimensions strategic entrepreneurial in medical tourism variable, in light of this, the study determined to formulate  a set of conclusions, the most important of the existence of the elements of medical tourism in the Ain al-Tamur area, and the senior management at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities interested in developing studies of the sites where the mineral water spring and wells sulfur spread, and the most recommendations is that the performance of senior management in this ministry does not stand to Create studies, but must be use them and apply them to the ground, researchers hope from this study to be an intellectual contribution utilized concerned in the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.





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