مقدرات (ols) الاعتيادية وبعض من المقدرات الحصينه لمعلمات أنموذج الانحدار الخطي -دراسة مقارنة في تصدير النفط العراقي


  • أ .د. عبد الرحيم خلف راهي الحارثي
  • أ.م. خولة حسين الوكيل


Ordinary Least Squares (OLS),Weighted Least Squares (WLS) Robust of M Estimation (RM): Weighted robust of M Estimation (R.M.W), Goodness of fit.


    Oil is the source of life and lifeline and there is no alternative source threatens the existence of oil and remained sitting cross-legged on the throne of energy until the present day and is such the first rank in the Iraqi exports volume and the general budget and given the importance of this subject, we have to study in our research through two aspects: the first represents the theoretical foundations of the classical Estimation (OLS) and weighted (WLS) and the robust of M Estimation (R.M) and the weighted robust of M Estimation (RMW) and II: The side applied as it has been realistic data Iraqi oil company Iraqi application a year (2008 – 2014) for exports and production of oil as well as gas flaring associated with the production of Oil data has been tested for being distributed normally or not, has also been used program (R) for the analysis of this data has been shown that the robust method had excelled the classical method for estimation by adopting the values of R2, F and Residual.

