أثر التفكير السياحي في سعادة الضيف -دراسة تطبيقية على الأقسام التشغيلية في فنادق القطاع المختلط في بغداد


  • أ. إلهام خضير عباس
  • محمد عبد زيد عبدعون
  • محمد عبد زيد عبد عون


    According to the  Features of the hotels organization within other organization in addition to their being an   important part of tourism sector and according to their natures  working  is contain the interaction and communication with guests continues through operational department  this case needed  an opening  minded and lean to deal with different guests to secure their happiness  ensured (mean, standard deviation , and coefficient of variation to determine the homogeneity of the sample, and the relative important  of the statement variables level , and the coefficient of correlation rank (spear- man) to measure  the nature  of  the  correlation between variables , the coefficient of simple linear in order to arrival to some results to us that .  

