أثر المعرفة الإلكترونية في القيادة الريادية-دراسة تطبيقية لعينة من شركات السفر والسياحة في مدينة بغداد


  • أ.د. دينا حامد جمال
  • عبد الكريم مزعل طاهر


          E-knowledge is a strategic cornerstone for businesses to meet the challenges and requirements of the present age, enable management systems to keep up with society’s existing and future needs, and work on grooming a knowledge generation proficient in modern-day skills and capable of making an impact. Against the aggressive competition of the business environment, particularly in tourism, businesses have sought to develop their intrinsic capacities by adopting modern techniques and advanced approaches in business management, based on new visions imposed by the massive progress in information and communications technology  (ICT). This lent an edge to these businesses to confront the changing and competitive landscape and position themselves as pioneers through an entrepreneurial leadership capable of creating change and achieving their visions.

        Based on the above, The study examined the influence of e-knowledge and its components (telecommunications network, e-learning, human capital, and intellectual property) on entrepreneurial leadership and its various dimensions (innovation, strategic vision, initiative or proactivity, harnessing opportunities, and risk-taking). The study centered on two interacting variables to build its intellectual and philosophical framework, where e-knowledge was used as an independent variable and entrepreneurial leadership as a dependent variable. The study’s launching pad was a set of questions on how e-knowledge and its dimensions contributed to the success of entrepreneurial leadership in the sample of studied travel and tourism agencies, in addition to identifying the interest of the leaders of the studied agencies in e-knowledge to promote intrinsic capacities and attain entrepreneurship.       

