أعتماد التحسين المستمر لرفع اداء الإدارات العليا في الفنادق العراقية -دراسة تحليلية لآراء عينة من مدراء فنادق الدرجة الممتازة


  • م. د. دنيا طارق أحمد


    The present study aims to identify and analyze the basic dimensions related to the requirements of continuous improvement and the basic dimensions of the performance of the senior management's hotel the study sample, as well as the impact of the relationship between the dimensions of continuous improvement and the performance of the senior managements in the premium-class hotels. The formulation of the problem of the study has been built as a resistor of many questions that focused on the link and effect relationship between the variables of the study, and the study has been based on two basic assumptions subjected to many tests for authenticity. The study has adopted the descriptive analytical method. The current study has included all members of the community component (89) Director of the premium class hotels,  (89) valid her answers have been obtained for the analysis was used statistical program Ready (spss). The study reached a number of results, including: that there is a link and the impact of a statistically significant relationship between the variables of the study (continuous improvement and the performance of the senior managements of hotel), the findings come with identical assumptions. The study made a number :of recommendations including: making sure to spread the concept of a culture of continuous improvement, and that the surveyed organizations have the organizational structures are flexible to keep pace with the changes and adapt to their environment constantly, and follow the standards of continuous improvement and be subject to periodic measurement.

