تباين تطبيقات المورد البشري باعتماد مداخل متعددة للعمل باستراتيجيات الترشيق التنظيمي - بحث استطلاعي في عينة من الشركات الصناعية العراقية


  • أ.د. مؤيد يوسف نعمة
  • أ.م.د. أريج سعيد خليل


     The Purpose of research is it highlight the disparity in the performance of companies and applied deference approach (human resource) and (PM discusses organizational strategies) through the regulatory and competitive entries may be reflected in some form or another to apply strategies philosophy organizations pm discusses organizational priorities are adopted (efficiency, competitiveness and financial performance and organizational learning and organization size, product quality cost leadership strategy) and PM discusses organizational strategies of b (human resource reduction strategy and redesign strategy work and regular strategy), The General company for electrical industries the and nasr co . for  mechanical industries situated in Baghdad have been chose n as the Research sample , analysis and nonparametric tools adopted statistical processing, search out a discrepancy in most dimensions between the two companies, reflecting recognition and different between them, and the recommended activation strategies pm discusses three without uniqueness companies one as recommended merging some units and redeployment of staff.





أدارة الاعمال