أثر ثقافة جودة الخدمة في سعادة الضيف -دراسة تطبيقية على الأقسام التشغيلية في فنادق القطاع المختلط في بغداد


  • أ.إلهام خضير عباس
  • محمد عبد زيد عبدعون


The Culture of the service of quality is considered a main matter for success of hotel organizations. That is because we live under the era of great development which is connected with the enlargement of information and culture. For that the quality of production is considered as a passport for any organization to transfer and sell all its productions inside and outside the country. As for the hotel services provided, the competition is still agitated among the hotel organizations to reach the highest levels of quality services as well as to achieve an important goal , i .e. the satisfaction of the guests. The researcher here points at the necessity of changing the work pattern of hotel organizations, its missions and its goals by leaving what is ordinary and reading what is beyond the expectations of the guests. For this direction requires systematic flexibility framed by the changes of culture according to its visions and the philosophy of new professional ideas. Moreover, it needs an organizational open minded and the happiness of the guest is a modern subjects at the tourism field.

Thus, this research is prepared to know the theoretical side of concepts mentioned above and the applicable levels in the organizations ( a pattern studied ) . And by the using of the survey papers that are distributed to the workers in the operational departments, in addition of the application of mathematical means that is to find solution to the study problem and to know its connected sides.

