استعمال منهجية Design For Six Sigma لتطوير استراتيجيات الايصاء الواسع -دراسة حالة في شركة ابن الوليد / موقع الكاظمية


  • أ.د. اياد محمود الرحيم
  • مهدي هامل المهدي


     Consider Designing  products is considered as personalization one of the most important challenges faced by industrial companies. With increasing competition in the business environment, the process of product design personalization has  became a process of unconventional require techniques and methodologies and systems of modern production and one of these methodologies and production systems are Design For Six Sigma methodology and shortened (DFSS) and Mass customization strategies to stay in the competition and ensure the continuity of its work.

     This research  aims to know  the effect of the use of DFSS methodology in the development of Mass Customization strategies, The central  regression equation And Use some statistical methods, The company Ibn Al Waleed general  was selected / site Kadhimiya as sample to conduct the research , It was adopted the case research  method to obtain the necessary information for the practical side through the check list prepared for this purpose and distributed to the intentional sample composed of 15 officials, including 14 technicians and one administrative.

    found a set of conclusions was the most important product design in accordance with the DFSS methodology gives the company a competitive advantage unique to the rest of the companies that design their products with conventional methods as the design according to the DFSS methodology ensures the company that the product is designed to meet the needs and desires of customers, and the first time, But most important  recommendations to the research  It represents  necessary to adopt the production a product personalize according to Mass Customization strategies To maintain existing customers and win new customers and reduce inventory costs through good design from the first time using DFSS methodology.





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