تقويم مالي لإنتاج القمح:محافظة ديالى نموذج تطبيقي
The Wheat is the most important cereal crops in Iraq and most of the world as the most important sources of food for humans and wheat occupies first place worldwide in terms of area planted. The research aims to make financial calendar for the production of wheat in the Diyala province (region Alharonia), was obtained cost data and income through a questionnaire and found that all components of the sample had achieved good economic returns has been applied economic criteria, including net income Elms grazing averaging about 482.1 thousand dinars /dunum , and the highest farm net income categories of tenure (30 -40) dunums (Category IV) with a about 768.2 thousand dinars / dunum, and the dividend dinar investor with an average return on the dinar of the sample (3.37) dinars, and the category that best achieved the highest return on the acquisition of the dinar was the fourth category, where was (4.15), indicating that the standard pay back period of capital amounted to 0.44 and the average of the fourth category achieved the best pay back period of capital hit (0.32).