متطلبات التسويق المباشر: دراسة الحالة في الشركة العامة لمنتجات الألبان


  • م.د. سرمد حمزة الشمري



              A Direct Marketing company attempts to sell goods and services to a target audience by reaching them through using direct methods, such as phone calls and mail. Learn more about Direct Marketing skills and tactics that businesses and organizations use various marketing methods to sell products to customers. But rather than creating a commercial television or buying a newspaper that reaches a broad audience, companies will launch a Direct Marketing campaign to reach a specific group of consumers. To reach a desired demographic, Direct Marketing firms often purchase lists and databases with contact information for potential clients. The goal of Direct Marketing is to sell products by getting many consumers as possible to respond to a campaign. Direct marketing involves the business attempting to locates, contacts, offers, and makes incentive-based information available to consumers.






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