تاثير السياسة السعرية في الميزة النسبية لانتاج انواع اللحوم في العراق للمدة(1983-2007)


  • م. سرمد علي حسين


       This research aims to determine the impact of price policy on comparative advantage in meat production in Iraq by measures of comparative advantage, where he owns the country's livestock good enough to specialize in the production of meat, if used well, has been used measure of the cost of a local supplier in the measurement of comparative advantage to benefit start economic. The results of the cost of a local supplier of red meat more par year (90, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2004) means the absence of a comparative advantage in production of either the rest of the years there have been a comparative advantage for production. For the chicken results indicate that it was the biggest from the one in most years of this research means that the country possess a comparative advantage in production. With the exception of the years (90,92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2004).where the values of the cost of a local supplier less than one this gives country a comparative advantage in production during those years. The fish meat was less than one for most years of schooling or a comparative advantage, except for years (83, 94, 96, 2001, 2002) were not there a comparative advantage. The fish come in the first rank in terms of the comparative advantage of either the net economic benefit Vick Making interpreted as a negative cost of a local supplier and one of the largest positive values of the cost of the resource Making less than one and it is recommended that pricing policy to stimulate producers to increase meat production and livestock development projects in the country.      

