تحليل الائتمان المصرفي باستخدام مجموعة من المؤشرات المالية المختارة دراسة (نظرية – تطبيقية) في مصرف الشرق الاوسط العراقي للاستثمار خلال الفترة 2005- 2007 المالية


  • أ. م. د. إبراهيم محمدعلي الجزراوي
  • م. م. نادية شاكرالنعيمي


The banking credit has a significant role in supporting the economic development process as it is considered a financial medium between the  depositors and investors through turning the money received by the bank in from of banking deposits from a person  who has a monetary surplus into another person in need of this surplus . this credit contributes also in directing the economic activities toward investing project generally and strategic investing projects in special that the country lacks which is in need of optimum exploitation to the available resources.                       

      In addition , the banking credit represents the most important source of revenues that the banks gain and contribute in increasing their profitability.                                                                                                  

