بناء محافظ العملات الأجنبية الكفوءة باستخدام أسلوب البرمجة الخطية (دراسة تطبيقية عن أسعار صرف العملات الأجنبية في الأردن)


  • أ.م.د. شهاب الدين حمد النعيمي


Individuals differ in their ability in looking up, and assessing what will occur .this will depends on mental abilities  and material possibilities which are necessarily different among individuals .that are recruited to determine the future expectations, and generally, the expectations regarding the future, whether it is optimistic or pessimistic .this will have a great role in the processes of decision making especially , the decision related  to the investment in foreign currencies ,Accordingly, the process of expectation must be built on rave and scientific foundations which reduce the possibility of any change in those expectations, and this is called in the science of financial management a risk, because the outcome of each investment decision will produce an expected rate of return and suitable degree of risk for that return and because  of the concerns of the investors in the national currency, all over the world including the Arab ones for his desire in returns  and risk measured in their national currency, this is a serious attempt to implement the properties of linear programming Simplex manner to help the Arab investor in building efficient portfolios of foreign currencies measured in national currency, the research included four axes the first one addressed the theoretical side and second dealt with the methodology and the third axis presented the application aspect and the final one introduced the main conclusions and recommendations






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