الامثلية الاقتصادية في أسواق المنافسة الاحتكارية


  • م. خالد طه عبد الكريم


       The prevail system in the international economy is the monopolistic competition system and the phenomena of globalization which cancels the constraints on the international economy. Today globalization has become beyond disputes; therefore each country has no option concerning this point.

      The scientific development and technological progress continuously provide big opportunities for developing competitive abilities for firms and countries and to make new economical relations in the field of production, marketing, finance and development resources.

     In the face of circumstances, it has become necessary to adopt sound and long-term economic polices to increase levels of productivity and achieve the economical efficiency; especially the circumstances of shifting the economy from the socialism to capitalism all over the world; moreover the international economical crisis and it's depression which result in decreasing the levels of economic efficiency; all the above-mentioned contrasts with the aim of all the economical systems to achieve the target and the high level for economic optimality in scientific application for limited economical resources to produce goods and services which satisfy all the demands of society and fulfill the welfare economy.

