تطبيق اداة QFD للايفاء بمتطلبات الجودة دراسة تطبيقية في الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية


  • أ.م.د. سمير كامل الخطيب
  • م.م. تالين كايزاك لودير


Quality Function Deployment is one of the contemporary quality tools which is distinguished from other tools, where it focuses on achieving quality requirements as well as positive quality to present a product meets or exceeds current and future customer requirements. 

      State company for leather industries – factory (( 7 )) to produce men – shoes was chosen as a research sample .

     A questionnaire have been designed with three parts, the first part concentrates on quality dimensions [ customer requirements ] … the second part includes identifying the stronger competitors of the company , the third part specialized in the degree of availability of each customer requirement in competing products .

  The research concluded a set of conclusions such as:-

 1- Weakness of interest in quality concepts and quality tools … especially (( QFD )) tool .

 2- There is a suitable environment to apply (( QFD )) tool, the company will attain many  advantages through this application . 

 3- Weakness at focusing on customer requirements, because the company has greater interests in contracts with governmental institutions more than focusing on customers.      





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