دراسة اقتصادية حول سوق العمل و مشكلة البطالة المقنعة في اقليم كوردستان –العراق


  • م.د. خالد حيدر عبد علي


Unemployment is becoming a problem facing most countries in the world, whether developed or developing, and with rates that vary depending on the level of these countries so we see it reach high levels in developing countries and in return being less severe in developed countries. and the mentioned problem has many types, many experts see that underemployment is more dangerous than the other types and it's the problem that is faced by developing countries in general, disguised unemployment is a surplus labor in the workplace and is gets low in productivity to reach zero and this means that dispensing it helps to improve working conditions and its productivity. and this type of unemployment emerges due to overusing the  total work proportion to the overall use of other inputs that contribute to the productive process, which would concentrate the work element in certain activities even more than the actual need of the production process and thus productivity is equal to zero.

This study aims to profile the real dimensions of the problems of employment and unemployment in the Kurdish community, as well as to measure the size of the problem and its evolution since the nineties until the end of the year 2007, and it necessarily ends in evaluating all the solutions and the methods that has been taken governmentally and legislatively and practically to address the problem. And for sure that unemployment has it's problems in any community ,and if it's rate increases, it turns into a reason to destabilize the community for what it has from negative consequences economically, socially and politically. Among the most important of these effects as follows:

1-Economic impacts.

2-Social impacts.

3-Political implications.

Among these effects, the importance of addressing with all the means available to the problem of unemployment because of their devastating effects and affect the reality of communities and necessarily impact negatively on the government's efforts for development.

