دراسة تحليلية لواقع مرض التدرن في العراق باستخدام التحليل المتناظر


  • أ.م.د. رعد فاضل حسن
  • م.م. نبأ نعيم مهدي


         Disease is tuberculosis of the infectious disease epidemiology, as well as control over the disease through programs of global health is a priority for the objectives of countries where the disease affects the respiratory system in the foundation and other parts of the body and passes through several stages of the primary when a person is exposed to the air laden with Bacillus hut and then move to the second stage, where it is effectively to it, the knowledge of the presence of disease in any of the provinces of Iraq and by type of disease, tuberculosis, as well as any of the age groups who are subjected to a disease which can health authorities to develop sound fundamentals to confront the disease and focus on any provinces that require the care of this disease as well as age groups and subsequent enable the State to provide appropriate medicines and health of personnel and supplies in these provinces so it was as follows:                                                                       
1 - To study the spread of tuberculosis positive sputum and by age groups.                                      2 - Studying the reality of the disease has spread in the provinces of Iraq and its relationship to the different age groups.                                                                                                                    

In order to reach the health situation of the disease in each province and age group and type of disease spread of tuberculosis , where the study came to several conclusions concerning each of Iraq’s provinces with select age groups suffer from a kind of sickness absence , including tuberculosis and age groups:                                                                                                            

 (1 -0 ) , ( 4-1 ) of this disease in all provinces , as well as the age group

 (24-15) and age group ( 34-25 ) are the most disease , pulmonary  tuberculosis, sputum positive ( Sm/+ve ) also note that the provinces

( Baghdad, Mosule, Basra,Missan) hosts this disease .    

