دراسة ميدانية لعينة فنادق في محافظة اربيل وبغداد والنجف


  • م.م. خلود وليد العكيلي


       For the Wild expansion of internet using in our daily life, This Technique inverted from just an environment to exchange information to one of an important pillars in the filed of global digital marketing and the internet opened wide horizon in front of Tourism and hotels industry, The Stanford – specialized American institution predicted that the tourism trip sells  record  about (19.5) billion $ at the season of holidays in 2006

        The Tourism Promotion mix regarded as efficient tool in building a good tourism image through (advertising – Personal Selling, public relations and sales activate which work out through internet, So the Successful of promotion Policies depend on the availability of necessary and attractive information that capable for recruit the maximum number from tourist.

