The impact of oil shocks, the exchange rate and inflation rate on public debt in Iraq for the period (1990-2020)


  • Dr. Regwan Jaafar Abdul Rahman Al Dosky
  • Dr. Zozan Mohammed Saleh



public debt, oil price, exchange rate, inflation, ARDL


The public debt in Iraq is one of the important and sensitive topics that arouse the interest of researchers, so the research focused on the determinants of public debt in Iraq for a time series between (1990-2020) and by taking a group of macroeconomic variables that affect public debt in Iraq, based on previous research and studies. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, the analytical descriptive method was used to describe the research variables, in addition to using the quantitative method to build the standard economic model for the research based on the Eviews12 program. General, and the positive relationship between each of the exchange rate and inflation rate with public debt, and all tests confirmed the correctness and logic of the model used, as well as the stability of the model structure.


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