The Impact of Strategic Planning on Improving Job Satisfaction - An Exploratory Study of the Views of a Sample of Administrative Staff at Mayson University


  • م.د. محمد خليل إبراهيم


In this study, the researcher tries to identify the impact of strategic planning in
improving job satisfaction from the viewpoint of administrative staff at Maysan
University by answering the following question: "What is the impact of strategic planning
in improving job satisfaction from the viewpoint of administrative staff in Mayan
University?" The researcher prepared a questionnaire to find out the opinions of the
research sample on the subject of the study, and the sample size reached (189) individuals,
and the "arithmetic mean and percentage" were used, in addition to "T test" and
"monovariance analysis test (ANOVA)" in the statistical analysis process. Among the
most prominent conclusions of this study was the presence of a very significant impact
of strategic planning in improving job satisfaction.

