The effect of the relationship of total quality costs and the value chain on improving the performance of economic units


  • م.م. محمد كريم حميد


تكاليف الجودة الشاملة , سلسلة القيمة .


The tagged research (the effect of the relationship of total quality costs and the value
chain on improving the performance of economic units) aims to find solutions to the
research problem which is (the extent of the ability of managers in economic units to take
the necessary measures to increase spending on prevention costs starting with the
purchase of raw materials from suppliers and through activities Research and
development, design and production and the extent of their ability to reduce spending on
evaluation costs and internal and external failure, starting from suppliers and passing
through the value chain activities to customer service and the extent of their ability to
provide feedback from the customer to know the extent of the impact For information on
the reputation of the economic unit, and the difficulty in calculating and measuring hidden
quality costs because of the large part of the costs of external failure and the impact of all
this on the customer and his opinion on the products of the economic unit), and to achieve
the goals of research and find solutions to the problem, the basic hypothesis has been
formulated that ( The existence of the correlation between the components of total quality
costs and all stages of the value chain helps provide indicators through which we can
identify the performance of economic units and the extent to which performance can be
improved through these indicators) and seek to test them using the (deductive approach)
and analyze the results The test is to prove the hypothesis, and the research concluded a set of conclusions that were most notable: There is a close correlation between the
components of total quality costs and the stages of the value chain by adding these costs
at each stage of the value chain starting from the stage of research and development to
customer service, and from The most prominent recommendations of the research: The
necessity of attention of the management of economic units to increase spending on
prevention costs in the early stages of the value chain as it adds value and reduces
spending on evaluation costs and internal and external failure in all stages of the value
chain as it does not add value to the economic unit.

