Determine the most important factors affecting the reality of the services provided using the global analysis method


  • م.د. ابتسام كريم عبدالله
  • سرى باسم فوز ي


Services are defined as any official business issued by the various state institutions,
including ministries, bodies, municipal councils, police stations, courts, etc., a service for
which the state does not always receive money. In this research, data on the reality of the
services provided was analyzed to study the most important factors affecting the reality
of a few The services provided by using the global analysis on the statistical program
(spss-20) and a preliminary descriptive study was conducted of the indicators of this
phenomenon through a questionnaire distributed by electronic communication in addition
to manual distribution to some of the students of the College of Administration and
Economics / University of Baghdad and the year 2018 with a sample size equal to (110)
questionnaires and it was found that one of the most important factors affecting the state’s
negligence and lack of interest, as well as the lack of demands from citizens to provide
and improve important services.

