دور العوامل النفسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية والدينية في خصائص الخدمة السياحية – دراسة نظرية


  • أ.د. خليل ابراهيم المشهداني
  • م. سالم حميد سالم


     Tourism activities depend  dramatically when providing and sharing the different services on the types of mutual relations the framework for moral distinct, in interaction or direct contact between producers of tourism services and tourists or their beneficiaries, in order to provide comfort and recreation and entertainment for the whole of tourists, which should be the subject of this activity studying the phenomena and the interrelationships between the variables of the process of tourism in community tourism through the correction on the moral values ​​of the tourism product as it can be a factor, either positive or negative in determining the characteristics of tourist services, as is the moral values ​​of the most important rationales for building social cohesion and form a set of regulations to the provisions of mental emotional tailored toward people and things and the meanings and aspects of the activity, either the research problem highlights the problem of differing estimate the role of the factors in the external environment in building moral values ​​among producers and tourists collectively or individually and then the reflection in the processes of interaction and exchange of social, economic, cultural and other as well as to identify all variable or an external factor in the production processes of service and tourist highlights the importance of the study through addressed to the issue of moral values ​​and their role in shaping the human relationships between the tourism product and tourists, and the study aims to identify the degree of the role of external factors in moral values ​​and the reflection of the commitment by the tourism product in the production processes service of tourism and to identify the role of the moral values ​​of the tourism product in the production processes of service and tourist analyzed logically results of statistical reached by the researchers, and the statement of the level of influence of external factors Kalnevsah, social, economic and religious moral values ​​of the tourism product and its commitment to provide service tourist distinct.

