Some indicators of commercial banks and their impact on monetary stability in Iraq for the period (1991-2015)


  • أ.م.د. ليلى بديوي خضير


البنوك التجارية ، الاستقرار النقدي .


   The banking system of any country reflects the latteis monetary and financial developments and serves as a basis for monetary authorities to shape its policy, The study has examined the analysis of the relationship between commercial banks and monetary stability in Iraq for the period (1991-2015) using multiple regression models . after using stability tests for data The results obtained according to the program (Eviews 9) have shown the inability of commercial banks to affect the stability of monetary due to the backwordness of banking habits and the lack of development of electronic systems and lack of awareness of banking as well as the government intervention to convert oil dollars into local currency, which is the main factor affecting the Cash stability.                                           

