Determining the impact of e-learning and its applications on the academic performance of universities


  • Ali Abboud Qasim
  • Mr. Dr. Joumana Younis



e-learning, academic performance, information technology, strategic goals .


         This study focused on the role of e-learning and its impact on academic performance, which has become the primary concern today in light of the face of the most severe health epidemic ravaging the Earth , which has claimed hundreds of thousands of people , namely the (COVID-19) epidemic . This study focuses on what the academic performance inputs provided for the e-learning outcomes represented by infrastructure , computer use skills , content , and independence using modern technology . The researcher used a set of statistical tools and methods represented by confirmatory factor analysis , the reliability coefficient , the arithmetic mean , and the standard deviation , in addition to several other measures that will be mentioned later in detail. The researcher sees the entire literature on the subject throughout our research. The sample included one of the most important Iraqi universities in Baghdad, which is Al-Mustansiriya University , where the researcher reviewed a set of conclusions to advance the academic reality in light of the available technology available to the student, professor, and administrative body. E-learning shortens the geographical spaces between the student and the professor. Students experience great discomfort due to the constant power outages during e-learning. Students are ready to learn the necessary skills required to succeed in e-learning. It has also been noted that the teaching staff at Al-Mustansiriya Friday is keen to continuously improve its performance. There is substandard attention from department heads to the proposals presented by faculty members related to the quality of educational performance. If this technology is exploited correctly and the strategic goals of the university reality are drawn , it will achieve a revolution in the reality of e-learning. It will save the difference in effort and time and will geographically shorten the time and distance to deliver the scientific method under certain supervision that will be established as a scientific basis for following up on the matter


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