The role of green accounting in achieving sustainable universities





sustainable university


The increase in environmental awareness and as a serious attempt to reduce ‎environmental pollution and encourage the preservation of the environment، ‎environmental responsibility emerged and developed through successive stages. The ‎environmental elements are non-market commodities and unlimited free resources، ‎and the land was used as a free reservoir and endless waste dump، and pollution ‎continued in its dangerous dimensions as consumption or destruction of ‎environmental quality. ‎‏In light of these challenges that threaten human life، some ‎universities of the contemporary world have pushed to adopt the sustainable ‎university approach، and are seeking to explore the mechanism of integrating ‎sustainability into their curricula and student education. Thus، this study will focus ‎on the importance of including green accounting as a green course to harmonize the ‎outputs of the accounting department with the requirements Sustainability Munha ‎deals with matters that go beyond financial accounting and management ‎accounting



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