The role of vocational education in supporting sustainable development in the Republic of South Korea for the period (2000-2020)


  • Aliyah Abdulrahman Theban
  • P. Dr. Falah Khalaf Ali



vocational education, sustainable development, new policies


     The current research aims to identify the reality of vocational education in South Korea and its role in achieving sustainable development, by identifying the Korean educational system and its role in development in South Korea, as well as the development policies adopted by South Korea in the field of education and development. Highlighting the importance of vocational education, and recognizing its role in achieving the economic development of South Korea, the research assumes that "human capital is the main reason for achieving sustainable development in South Korea, as well as its economic development and growth, and its transformation into one of the developed countries" and to achieve this hypothesis The researchers followed the deductive approach, the descriptive analytical method, and one of the most important conclusions reached by the researchers is the mismatch of skills among young people, which led to a lack of skills supply in the labor market as a result of insufficient outputs of education and vocational training, and the occurrence of a skills gap that arises from the mismatch within The research recommended the need to develop secondary schools specialized in the industries sector, linked to the relevant ministries, local government and industry, which will enhance the role of the outputs of vocational education in achieving the goals of sustainable development.


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