تأثير السيولة المصرفية في الأداء - دراسة تحليلية في المصرف الصناعي العراقي


  • أ.م.د. صلاح الدين محمد أمين الآمام
  • ميساء عامر حسن


bank liquidity, banking financial performance.


The research aims to measure and analyze the effect of liquidity in the Iraqi Industrial
Bank on the financial performance of the bank, as liquidity is one of the basic elements
of the financial performance of banks, as the volume of liquidity affects the performance
of the financial bank. The Industrial Bank of Iraq was chosen as one of the banks that
practice comprehensive banking and the time period of 2008 to 2016.
The financial ratios were used to analyze the research variables and the SPSS statistical
program was used to perform the statistical testing of the research hypothesis, and he
reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the bank's high
dependence on incidental revenues (investments and transfers) and reducing its
competence in supporting the national industry by granting loans to non-industrial

