Talent management in the intellectual capital industry: An exploratory study of the sample of employees at the Korean Training Center / Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs


  • أ.م. قبس زهير عبد الكريم جعفر


talent management, intellectual capital.


Talent management is a contemporary topic that many organizations seek to apply
because of its role in attracting, recruiting, developing and retaining talented individuals
within the organization, which reflects positively on the performance of the organization
and contributes to the manufacture of intellectual capital capable of generating creative
ideas that achieve excellence for the organization and increase Many organizations still
lack talent management processes and do not pay enough attention to the development of
their intellectual capital, so this research aims to know the level of application of talent
management in the Korean Training Center, affiliated to the Ministry of Labor and Social
Affairs Conscious, and the availability of intellectual capital in Antrzalmzkor, as research
aims to examine the relationship between the impact and talent management and
intellectual capital.
To achieve this goal, the descriptive analytical approach was adopted. The research
community was represented at the Korean Training Center of the Ministry of Labor and
Social Affairs. (SPSS V.20) To test the hypotheses and interpret the results using a
number of statistical tools such as (arithmetic mean and standard deviation, correlation
coefficient R, the determination coefficient R2 and t and F tests). The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the Center's
endeavor to provide an organizational climate capable of demonstrating the positive
potential inherent in the talented individuals and trying to employ them for the progress
and development of work, as well as the need to pay attention to the training programs
prepared for the center's trainers so that they can develop their skills and abilities and
provide effective training programs. The results also showed that there is a significant
relationship between talent management and intellectual capital.

