تصميم وتقييم متطلبات نظام التصنيع الأخضر (دراسة حالة في شركة ديالى العامة للصناعات الكهربائية -معمل محولات التوزيع)


  • أ.م.د. زهرة عبد محمد
  • لؤي راضي خليفة الربيعي


/ Green Manufacturing, Green Manufacturing System Requirements , Checklist.


The Green manufacturing has been given great attention by the world industrial companies for its role in improving manufacturing processes through optimizing the use in the consumption of raw materials and energy and reduce industrial waste and emissions at all its manufacturing operations, as well as providing high-quality products. The research problem is not to design all requirements of green manufacturing in manufacturing companies and the lack of a checklist for assessing those requirements. Therefore, the aim of research is to design of green manufacturing requirements so that they form the proposed requirements green manufacturing system and then design checklist for those requirements involved (88) question as a tool to be used for the purpose of diagnosing the gap between the reality of the actual manufacturing and green manufacturing system requirements proposed. The importance of knowledge-based research is to provide an integrated framework for green manufacturing system. To achieve the aim of the research approach has been adopted as a case study approach help in the comprehensive and deep analysis of the problem researched. It has been selected as the location of distribution transformers factory to conduct the practical side of the company Diala General Electric Industries Research. The research found the weakness of attention the requirements of green manufacturing system and a large gap between the reality of the actual manufacturing and those requirements. Therefore, the research recommends the put a plan for the implementation of green manufacturing system requirements in the distribution transformers factory and benefit from the checklist to assess the manufacturing practices and working to address the problems facing the implementation of those requirements.





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