The Role of Tourism Investment in Activating the Partnership between the public and private sector in Iraq


  • أ.م.د منى يونس حسيـن
  • إسراء سعـد فهـد


Tourism, Investment ,Public ,Private


    The importance of tourism investment is embodied in being a tool capable of activating the partnership between the public and private sector and supporting the national economy of the country because of the tourism investment have direct and indirect effects on all sectors and all categories and types of investment and extending their effect to most branches of the national economy because the tourism sector is characterized by strong sectoral linkages and participation with other economic sectors ,which reflect its positive role on the  socio- economics structure . and creats new job opportunities through the establishment of tourism projects in tourist  attractions due to the availability of wide investment opportunities, makes it one of the ways methods to contribute to increase the sources of income. The need for new kinds of economic activity emerged, including the partnership that emerged after the recent financial crisis in the grobal  economy , which reflected the effects on the economies of the most countries, especially rentier ones, and Iraq is one of them , which requires expanding the scope of investment in the mixed tourism sector as a model for partnership and providing the appropriate investment, legislative  and security environment,

