The Role of Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction: An Explorative Research on A sample of Managers at AL Raiding Bank/General Management


  • م.م. خولة هاشم خلف


: Affective Commitment, Continuous Commitment, Normative Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Alrafidain Bank.


   The main objective of this research is to identify and measure the types of organizational commitment and job satisfaction at Alrafidain Bank/General Management Baghdad, Iraq.  The random research sample consisted of 47 employees who are: experts, General Directors, Department Managers, and Section Manager. The questionnaire is the main instrument used in this research to collect data.  Excel programming has been used to analyze and present the data obtained by the questionnaire. The analysis reported that there is a strong level of organizational commitment among the sample members, and that 51% of the sample feels that they have continuance commitment, which means that the pay, the rewards and other material factors have a strong effect on the sample studied.The findings of this research can assist Alrafidain Bank in planning job loads, and in improving organizational commitment among individuals whose commitment is low. This research augments our knowledge about the banking system in general, and on the banking system at Alrafidain Bank in specific.





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