Human resource planning, training, and investment strategy in crisis prevention (an exploratory study at Mustansiriyah University)


  • Ass.Prof. Dr. Sahar Ahmed Kurji
  • Ass.Prof. Dr.Kafaa Ali Alborgeef



Strategy for Human Resources Planning and Training, Crises


The research aims to identify the strategy of planning and training human resources to prevent crises from the point of view of the employees, and using descriptive and analytical approach to the treatment of variables, and the problem of the research set of questions contribute to determine the relationship and influence. To achieve this objective, a hypothetical scheme has been constructed that includes the independent variable (planning, training) and the adopted variable (crises). In light of this, two main hypotheses have been formulated which have secondary assumptions. The research was carried out on an intentional sample of (30) manager and prepared a questionnaire for data collection purposes that included two axes, and covered (43) a measurement paragraph. Based on the measurement of the variables of research and its diagnosis and the testing of relationships of correlation and impact, a set of conclusions and recommendations were reached, most notably That the human resource planning variable is receiving average attention by the University. This has contributed to the importance of the management focus on the stage of determining demand from human resources A number of recommendations were also reached such That the University must support the process of building a strategy of planning and training human resources by targeting the stages of human resources planning, which work under the overall construction and its impact is in the prevention of crises and the community more than the impact of each stage separately.


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