The impact of skillful leadership in achieving strategic superiority: An applied study in the Department of Training and Energy Research


  • Ali Hassan Alwan
  • Prof. Dr. Shahinaz Fadel Al-Najjar



skillful leadership, strategic superiority


The research aims to know the relationship between skillful leadership in achieving strategic superiority in the Ministry of Electricity, Department of Training and Energy Research, through skillful leadership behaviors represented by (open behaviors and closed behaviors), and through the basic dimensions of strategic superiority (appropriate strategy, cultural and cognitive superiority, superiority operations, superiority of services), and an indication of the extent of the impact of skillful leadership behaviors and its exploratory and investment activities in achieving strategic superiority. Achieving strategic superiority through the correct exploitation of the capabilities and skills available in the organization to achieve strategic superiority in its field of work. The respondents were numbered (130) employees, and to test hypotheses, the researchers used the descriptive analytical approach. Madad used the questionnaire as the main tool for data collection. The researchers also reached a set of results, perhaps the most prominent of which is the presence of an influence between skillful leadership in achieving strategic superiority in an effort to meet the future aspirations of the organization in question.


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