تأثير العمل العاطفي في تحقيق التوافق الاستراتيجي - دراسة استطلاعية تحليلية في كليات ومراكز الجامعة المستنصرية


  • Mahmood osama abid alwahab
  • Samah Moaid Mahmood




Emotional action, strategic alignment


The researcher aims to identify the emotional practices and emotional representative roles played by the deans of faculties and heads of departments and centers at Al-Mustansiriya University and their impact on achieving strategic compatibility, and because of its impact on strengthening strategic compatibility, which in turn determines the strategic direction of the university in general and faculties in particular and connects the organization in the end To achieve its goals, and all this depends on the emotional practices and emotional intelligence that leaders practice in dealing with their affiliates in order to push them to work to achieve the strategies set and interweave those strategies among themselves to work in a harmonious and non-intersecting manner. Certain positions for the purpose of encouraging affiliates to be creative and innovative in order to unleash the potential energies within them and make them more productive and creative.

Al-Mustansiriya University was chosen as a community for research, and the intended sample for the research was a group of heads of academic formations represented by (deans of colleges, assistant deans, heads of departments and centers, department rapporteurs), and the questionnaire was used as a source for data collection on the study variables, which is the independent variable (emotional work) and its sub-dimensions ( Surface representation, deep representation, display of feelings) and the dependent variable (strategic alignment) and its sub-dimensions (procedures, information technology, human resource skills) and the number of valid questionnaires was (92), which were subjected to statistical analysis using a number of statistical methods for social sciences (SPSS).

The researcher concluded that there is a significant effect of emotional work in achieving strategic compatibility, as the value of (F) (32,607) is greater than the tabular value, which shows the importance of the emotional practices practiced by leaders in achieving the strategic goals of the organization and trying to expand and deepen those practices to develop them and thus enhance the process Strategic alignment.


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