المحددات البيئية واثرها في ممارسة التمريض


  • أ.م.د.مها كامل جواد
  • مالك رشيد جخير


Key words: 1. Nursing: Is comprehensive care for patients of the psychological and social aspects as it represents the profession of serving the sick and the healthy care and protection and safety of the whole community of the disease and to raise the level of health and to ensure health for all. 2. trend towards nursing profession: represents the extent accepted practice nursing as a profession over who studying nursing at all levels (nursing school, junior nursing, technical institute, a nursing college and graduate studies in the PhD and Master of Science in Nursing). 3. Environmental determinants: include a combination of factors that were discussed as part of the overall environment of the nursing staffs as part of the organization as well as the health of the internal environment. 4. Economic determinants: represents the most important factors that will serve the interests of the pathogen in economic terms. 5. Social determinants: represents the most important factors that would represent a social value for the nurse inside and outside the organization of health. 6. Professional Determinants: represents the most important factors that deal with the nursing profession as a profession and what it has and what is its position from other professions and what are the supporters of the profession. 7. organizational determinants: represent the most important organizational factors that would affect the work contexts of the nursing profession and its role within the organization.


       This research aims to indicate the role of environmental determinants In the trend towards of the nursing profession Government sector. In order to represent the population of the study based on gender were selected (49) and male (35) Female In order to achieve the goal of research Been developed hypothetical scheme Express logical relationships between the (research variables), which is the dependent variable (the trend towards the nursing profession), And the independent variable, which represents the environmental determinants (economic, social, professional, organizational), In order to detect the nature of these relationships have been several hypotheses as to provide preliminary answers, This research seeks to verify their validity, and based on the measurement of research variables, diagnosis and testing correlations and Regression among them, The researcher found to a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the strategic role played by environmental determinants in the nursing staffs to maintain, develop and improve their performance, and presented by the correlations and regression between the research variables, As well as the belief of the complete sample nurses The importance of environmental determinants surveyed and its impact on the trend towards nursing practice, , Has been a set of recommendations based on the findings of the research findings, and was the most prominent, Focus on the role of the media in support of the nursing profession And launched an awareness campaign wide know the importance of the profession and its social role, As well as a focus on creating more incentives and temptations in order to attract young people of both sexes, As well as work to improve the environment in general and the nursing work environment.





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