he role of environmental scanning in enhancing readiness for strategic change: An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of managers in a Wasit textile and knitting factory


  • Muayyad Muhaisen Anad
  • Prof. Dr. Shahinaz Fadel Ahmed




environmental scanning , readiness for strategic change , Wasit textile and knitting factory .


The current research aims to find out the relationship of correlation and influence between both environmental scanning as an independent variable and readiness for strategic change as a dependent variable with its dimensions (suitability, administrative support, effectiveness of change, equal opportunities). Therefore, the problem of the current research revolves around the fierce competition between the organization under study and foreign companies, which threatens the survival of National companies to provide their local products, and the problem was formulated in the form of questions that included the extent to which the study sample in Wasit Textile and Knitting Factory understood and realized the importance of environmental scanning in expanding the circle of various solutions in addressing problems and obstacles and correcting courses of action, as well as the extent of the relationship and influence between variables in the field .

The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method in analyzing the data and emerging from it with a number of results. The Wasit Textile and Knitting Factory was chosen, one of the formations of the General Company for Textile and Leather Industry, affiliated with the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals. The research sample was intentional and represented by managers at all levels, numbering (105). The researcher adopted A questionnaire tool was used to collect data and information using a five-point Likert scale. The questionnaire included (45) items, and statistical programs (SPSSV.25, AMOS V.25) were used to analyze and process the data by relying on a number of statistical tools, including (confirmatory factor analysis, Normal distribution test, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, relative importance, reliability coefficient, relative coefficient of variation, simple correlation analysis, structural equation modeling), and the research produced a set of results, the most important of which is the presence of a positive and strong correlation and a significant effect of environmental scanning in enhancing readiness for strategic change. This indicates the fundamental role of environmental scanning in achieving readiness and readiness for successful strategic change in the studied factory. The current research also concluded with a number of recommendations and proposed mechanisms for implementation that serve the researched factory according to the time period, and the valuable originality of expanding the environmental scanning circle of various solutions and proposals and providing more appropriate strategic options for readiness. The organization is prepared to prepare for effective strategic change in a rapidly changing environment.



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