*********************************************************** Dishonest behavior in the workplace and its implications for achievement motivation: applied research on Palestinian universities


  • Dr. Aladdin Khalil Ibrahim Al-Sayed




impolite behavior, achievement motivation, Palestinian universities


This research seeks to identify the prevalence of impolite behavior or impolite behavior among workers in Palestinian universities, and also aims to reveal their level of achievement motivation. In addition to identifying the relationship between the two variables, as well as the impact of impolite behavior in the workplace on achievement motivation.

     To achieve its objectives, the research followed the analytical descriptive approach. It targeted a sample of (359) individual employees working in Palestinian universities, where the questionnaire was distributed to them. The research found that the rate of impoliteness behavior was very low, as it did not exceed (34.9%), while the level of achievement motivation was high (83%). It was also shown that there is a statistically significant inverse relationship between impoliteness behavior and achievement motivation, and the research found that there is a statistically significant inverse effect for all dimensions of impoliteness behavior on achievement motivation.


7 القرآن الكريم.

7 السنة النبوية.

صحيح البخاري.

صحيح مسلم.

سنن أبو داوود.

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