استخدام تحليل الإرتباط القويم في تحديد وقياس بعض العوامل المؤثرة على مستوى تحصيل التلاميذ - دراسة تطبيقية


  • م.م. بشير جميل خليل


correct correlation, success, failure, and dropout.


One of the statistical methods was used to analyze and measure some factors
affecting the level of students, including the effect of training, the scientific level,
and years of service for teachers, and its impact on the level of scientific students
in the primary stage.
The statistical method used in measuring and analyzing data is the correlation
analysis, that the correlation analysis works in selecting the correlation value
between two sets of variables and it depends on the correlation between linear
combinations of the first group variables which are independent variables and
linear combinations of the second group variables which are dependent variables
and the main idea is summarized in determination of correlation of linear
combinations that have the highest compatibility and correlation among all pairs
of selected combinations. Linear combinations are referred to as strong variables.
The correlation between those differences is called strong correlation. The results
showed that there is an effect of the factors referred to above on the level of students'
achievement, as the results obtained through statistical analysis indicate that the
ratio of the explained variance for each of the dependent variables and independent
variables amounted to 53.5% for the first function for the dependent variables and
55.8% for the independent variables and it is clear from there, there is a high
degree of interpretation of the first function, as shown in Table 10.

