The effect of dividends and their distributions on the stock price and trading volume within the Signal Theory: Analytical Study in a Sample of Companies Listed in the Saudi Stock Market


  • أ.د. هشام طلعت عبد الحكيم
  • أيمان عدنان سعد


dividend announcements, dividends, stock prices, trading volume, signal theory, event study.


The research aims to test the impact of dividend announcements and their
simultaneous dividends on the stock trading indicators represented by the stock
price and trading volume and test the information content of these two
advertisements, within the framework of signal theory, and compare the response
of the share price with the trading volume by adopting the methodology of studying
the event. The sample of the study includes (12) companies listed in the Saudi Stock
Exchange from various sectors that meet the criteria set for selection, for the period
(2007-2016) formed approximately (83) simultaneous event.

