Analysis of Interaction in the Case of No Replication in a Two-Factor Experiment


  • A.P.Dr. Samyia Khalid Hasan



Parameter Estimates , Randomized Complete Block Design , Tukey's test , Mandel test , Classification , ANOVA table .


This research was concerned with the problem of interaction between effects in the data that can be arranged in two directions, which are called two-way classification models , in the absence of redundancy in the observations . The research was applied to a set of two -way classification data and used two methods to test the presence of interaction in the model , namely the Tukey test, which depends on one degree of freedom, and the Mandel test (a stack of lines) . The data included five levels of phosphorus and three levels of nitrogen in the wheat crop ; it can be seen in appendix A .

As a result , the Tukey and Mandel tests have a significant effect on nesting. The interaction effect had a clear and significant effect on the results of the analysis and the main effects tests . 



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