أثر مكونات السياسة الإقراضية على كفاءة إدارة الإئتمان في المصارف التجارية دراسة ميدانية بمصرف الفلاحة والتنمية الريفية لولاية تبسة


  • أ.م. د. فضيلة بوطورة
  • أ.م. د. نوفل سمايلي


Credit Policy, Credit Management, Commercial Banks


    The access to bank loans of different types is subject to compliance with a specific lending policy characterized by its basic steps and methods of granting loans . Each bank should set up a lending policy that establishes trends and how to use the funds and the bases on which the lending decisions are based, and regulates the size, arrangement and follow-up of loans in relation to the policy, The study reached several conclusions, the most important of which is the need for the Bank to establish a lending policy that ensures that all procedures governing the granting of loans are in place at its branches and to ensure the appropriate structure for the distribution of jobs and responsibilities. In line with the requirements of the implementation and success of this policy effectively ensures the achievement of the Bank's objectives and aspirations.

