إمكانية تبني نشاط التصميم الأخضر في شركات صناعة الأدوية في مدينة الموصل : دراسة مقارنة


  • أ.د. أكرم أحمد الطويل
  • شهلة سالم العبادي


Keywords: Activity green design of products.


Find sought to determine the possibility of adopting green design activity for the manufacture of products in the pharmaceutical industry in the city of Mosul, through a survey of the views of managers in the surveyed companies. As the attention of the departments of these companies actively green design of products contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products, which the company can provide to customers, as well as providing for the possibility to outdo competitors, survival and development in light of the rapidly growing and environmental developments. But the limited studies that have dealt with this activity in the Iraqi environment within For researchers, it has implicitly present their research activity in an attempt to determine the possibility of adopting green design activity by pharmaceutical companies in the city of Mosul.
    In general research tried to answer the following questions:


  1. Are managers in the surveyed companies have a clear idea about the concept and

  importance of the principles and measuring the activity green design of products?
2. Do you adopt the surveyed companies Activity green design of products at production

 and introduce their products to the customers?

[The research found a set of conclusions, including:

[[[- Companies can adopt the surveyed Activity green design of products at the production and provision of pharmaceutical products to customers. Depending on the conclusions reached by the researchers, the number of proposals submitted consistent with these findings.





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