التحديات التي تواجه التنمية المحلية المستدامة في العراق للمدة (2015-2004)


  • أ.د. وفاء جعفر المهداوي
  • م.م. سليمة هاشم جارالله


sustainable local development , economic challenges , displacement .


   After 2003 ,Iraq began to adopt a new approach represented mainly by Supporting a Sustainable local development as a result of a number of economic , Social , institutional and environmental factors on both the national and international levels  . The new permanent  constitution of 2005 and the act of governorates No(21) of 2008 related to administrative decentralization are the main pillars for creating a supporting environment to achieve the Sustainable local development . However , this Supporting legal environment is not enough to achieve an acceptable level of welfare for the Society because of a number of internal and external challenges. These challenges can be represented by Just one resource  (oil) whick clepends on one uesource  to finance the  programs of the Sustainable local development , weakness of the productive base resulting mainly from deficiencies in the main economic sectors (industry , agriculture) and the absence of the empowerment and equity standards

