اهم العوامل المؤثرة في نجاح عمليات التلقيح الاصطناعي في بغداد


  • م.د. سهاد علي شهيد
  • م.د. فاضلة علي جيجان


principle comport , factor , analysis


     The recent post-Iraq war period and the accompanying violent conflicts which the Iraqis suffered from greatly, this has led to the emergence of several factors, including what appeared for the first time and which were previously found among the members of the community in various classes. These factors have affected psychological and physical condition, directly or indirectly. One of these problems, which has spread over the past years and strikingly problem (infertility), infertility is defined as the inability to have children at all.

   This cannot be treated , which was previously intractable , such as the case of obstruction of uterine tubes in women or the scarcity of sperm in men or psychological states affect their ability to reproduce. With the development of science , IVF has been created  or what is known as (IVF).  The success of these operations depends on several factors natural or artificial can be identified .

   In order to identify the impact of these factors, effectiveness and the importance of each of these variables  it is to make  enquired a scientific study of application of the factors that affect the research sample.

