The impact of content marketing on customer relationship management An analytical prospective study in Asiacell Telecom Company


  • Israa Ali Mohsen
  • A. P. Dr. Asfad Mortada Saeed



content marketing, customer relationship management


This research aims to identify the role of content marketing in enhancing customer relationship management in Asiacell Telecom Company, as the problem of the study is embodied in the following main question: "Does content marketing affect customer relationship management in the researched company?" and customer relations management.

        The study adopted the exploratory descriptive analytical approach by surveying the opinions of the employees of the researched company about the level of interest of the company's management in the two research variables, analyzing these opinions and testing the two main hypotheses of the study that are concerned with the relationship and influence between the independent variable (content marketing) and the dependent variable (customer relationship management) through Designing a questionnaire that includes the dimensions related to both variables, and the questionnaires were distributed electronically to the workers in the company's branch in Baghdad, and they represent the research community of (590) employees, and (250) valid questionnaires were retrieved for statistical analysis, and the collected data were processed and research hypotheses tested through Applying a number of statistical methods, including (the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Spearman correlation coefficient and simple linear regression) using the statistical analysis program (SPSS Ver. 24).

        The research has reached a set of results, the most prominent of which is the presence of an impact of content marketing on customer relationship management, and this means that any improvement in content marketing enhances the level of customer relationship management and its dimensions for the company.


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