************************************************ The impact of Creative Marketing on Supporting Religious Tourism during the Covid 19 pandemic: An applied study in the holy shrines of Husseiniya and )Abbasid)






Marketing, Creative Marketing, Religious Tourism, Religious Tourism Services, Covid-19 pandemic


      The research aims to determine the importance of creative marketing and its role in supporting religious tourism under the conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic, as well as diagnosing the level of support for religious tourism services among the research sample and its interest in adopting creative marketing for those services. The level of religious tourism services for the research sample, and to test these hypotheses, several statistical tests were used for the data that were obtained from an intentional sample of (60) people from department and division managers. The research concluded that creative marketing has a fundamental and important role in supporting and developing religious tourism services, but that The types of these services and the methods of their performance are not up to the level of ambition in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.


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