Achieving organizational effectiveness according to the behavior of building smart choices, an applied study in the Central Oil Company


  • Amal Abdel Karim Hassan
  • P. Dr. Lamia Salman Al-Zubaidi



organizational effectiveness, smart choices


The researcher aims to diagnose the nature of the relationship between the influencing factors, organizational effectiveness (qualitative, quantitative, personal) smart choices (information, time management, communication, perception, and knowledge) as well as the impact of those choices in achieving this effectiveness, and the study community consisted of managers and leaders of an oil company. The study was applied to an intentional sample of (87) managers distributed over several administrative departments (director, department manager, division manager, unit manager). The researcher used a set of statistical methods to process the data. The individuals in question are (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, correlation coefficient, simple linear regression, and Cronbach’s coefficient of alpha). Attention on the part of the company's managers to implement smart choices automatically leads to a rise in the levels of ability to achieve organizational effectiveness.


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