Adopting a knowledge management strategy and its impact on achieving strategic sovereignty: An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders at Al-Mustansiriya University


  • Mortada Abdel Hussein Kazem
  • Prof. Dr. Antoine Raymond Tannous



استراتيجيات ادارة المعرفة , السيادة الاستراتيجية


The research aims to analyze the knowledge level of decision makers and determine their capabilities in working with knowledge management strategies to achieve strategic sovereignty at Al-Mustansiriya University and its formations, as well as knowing and measuring the relationship and impact between knowledge management strategy and strategic sovereignty.

  The research problem was represented by the main question: How can knowledge management strategies contribute to achieving the strategic sovereignty of the organization under study? It was expressed in a number of questions, and to clarify the relationship between the main researches variables, two main hypotheses were formulated, from which four sub-hypotheses branched. The questionnaire was adopted as a main tool in collecting data and information related to the research, as well as the electronic questionnaire, which helped in transcribing the data and obtaining percentages and frequencies in the form of figures. Personal interviews and quantitative data were used. The questionnaire was prepared using the five-point Likret scale, and was distributed to a purposive sample consisting of (100) respondents from the leadership at Al-Mustansiriya University and its formations, representing (the university president, the university’s assistant president, deans, department heads, and divisional officials). To analyze the research data, use the ready-made statistical program (SPSS v.23), EXCEL program, and Amos v.23 program, in addition to the statistical analysis tools used.

  The research produced a number of results. Perhaps most of the correlations and influence are significant between knowledge management strategies and the dimensions of strategic sovereignty, which is attributed to the integration of the use of knowledge management strategies to enhance the strategic sovereignty of the research environment at Al-Mustansiriya University. The research also included a number of recommendations, the most important of which is investing in the positive relationship and influence. Knowledge management strategies to achieve strategic sovereignty by benefiting from the accumulated experiences of professors at the university to provide the best services in a manner appropriate to its work environment.



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